Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wishing you a very merry Christmas!


Happy Christmas Class 2 Parents!

We've had such a jolly, festive time over the past week-and-a-half. Here's a short update. 

The Nativity.
Wow! The children were absolutely incredible. I really hope you enjoyed the performance of 'The Lost Sheep (plural)'. The children really have been working since not long after half term, learning songs, learning lines, learning when to get up and get down. I realised I did not provide a programme for you this year, so well done to...

The Narrators. Theo, Arlo H, Reuben and Arlo S.
They held the whole thing together and impressed everyone with their reading skills, loud voices and expression. 

The Sheep.  Layla, Mason, Eliza and Violet. 
What incredible acting talent - the sheep made everyone laugh with their lines and performances. They had so much to learn - their lines, where to stand, what to do next. Well done sheep!

The Shepherds. Emmy and Oakley
Some fantastic acting from the shepherds, particularly during the first scene. 

Angel Gabriel. Heleena
Heleena had quite a lot to remember - she was on and off stage and had a lot to say and some very important lines. 

The Donkeys. Ryder and Elliot
The Donkeys received many compliments from staff for their loud voices and comic acting. 

The Camels. Arthur, Thomas and Lenny
These horses with humps made everyone smile with their confusion at meeting the sheep. 

The Stallholders. Annabel and Annie
It was a good job the girls provided snacks for the sheep - they might not have made it otherwise. 

The Kings. Olivia, Harrison and Fallon
They did a good job of  being Very Important and a little bit cross that the sheep stole the limelight. 

The Innkeeper. Izzy
What a lovely, welcoming Innkeeper we had this year!

Mary and Joseph. Avery and Evan
How smiley and welcoming they were when the sheep came to call!

Well done Class 2  - you really did a brilliant job. 

The Crafts:
We've been doing various crafty things including your pop-up Santa Christmas cards and sewing the santa bags. We also had a morning with Class 1 on Monday - the children paired up to travel around various crafting stations. Class 2 were exceptionally helpful to Class 1. 

The Party Day:
Vicky cooked us all a delicious Christmas dinner, then we had a party including a visit from Santa. I found a Rock 'n' Roll Christmas CD which really helped the dancing!

The end of our Bog Baby story:
After a term of being the Society for the Protection of Bog Babies, the children's work is done. They rescued the bog babies from being sold in a pet shop (they made some little carriers for this, including a lid with two paper hinges). Then they released them back into their pond. They watched as the bog babies floated happily away on lily pads, sucking their toes as bog babies tend to do. 

I tested all of the childrens high frequency words and have updated them on their cards accordingly (in pink this time). Please help your children to continue to learn the non-highlighted ones, a few at a time. If your child didn't have their card, I have photocopied their spellings onto paper so that you can update their card at home. 

Reading books:
I have taken in all reading books and Badger books to have a good sort out. Please continue to share books with your child over the holidays, reading to them or with them as often as possible. 

Thank you for all your support with your children's education this year. Thank you also for all the lovely cards and gifts I have received. 

Merry Christmas!

Mrs Simpson 

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