Thursday, January 30, 2025

Spring Term Week 4: Ice and Fire

 Hello Class 2 Parents,

We've had a very good week in Class 2 full of all sorts of things. 

In our story...
The children (in role as ordinary Londoners, going about London in 1666) saw a messenger from the King. The messenger rolled out a scroll and announced that the King (King Charles II) needed people to become volunteer firefighters, in order to make sure another Great Fire never happened again. The children were, of course, keen to help out. We did some learning about modern firefighting equipment and then compared it to 17th century firefighting equipment. On Friday afternoon the children are going to  use sugar paper to equip themselves to become volunteer fire fighters - I'll add photos when they are fully equipped!

From fire to ice. 
Just before Christmas the children were wondering where the warmest place in school was. This week they carried out an investigation. Four ice marbles were placed in bowls in four different places (including outside). Over the course of a day, the children used their observational skills to notice and comment on what was happening. They were surprised that the ice marble placed outside didn't melt very much, despite being in the sun... so we are planning to carry out the same investigation in the summer term to see whether the results are different!

In phonics the children have been looking at 'oo' alternatives - ew and ue. Both of these are usually found at the end of words. 

In spellings
the children have completed one of two weeks looking at apostrophes for contraction - don't, I'll, we've  (etc). 

In maths the children continued learning about place value. They compared two- and three-digit numbers and learnt how to play a place value game. The aim of the game is to understand what each digit is worth in a two- or three-digit number. 

If you want to practise this, there is a place value game here that you and your child can play. The lowest it goes it three digits, so Year 1 children in particular might need a bit of extra help - but give it a go! The kangaroo has to punch the numbers that make up the three-digit numbers, for example if the target number is 432, you have to find 400, 30 and 2. 

Aside from that, please continue to practise your child's maths facts with them!

I think that's all for now,

Have a good week end!

From Mrs Simpson

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Spring Term Week 4: Ice and Fire

  Hello Class 2 Parents, We've had a very good week in Class 2 full of all sorts of things.  In our story... The children (in role as or...