Hello Class 2 Parents,
We've had a very good week in Class 2.
In our story the children heard the story of The Great Fire of London. They sequenced the key events and then they stepped into the story. They were Londoners, on a hill looking over London after the fire. They imagined what they would be able to see, and how they would be feeling.
Then a lady stepped forward and suggested that everyone return to London and rebuild their trades - the children agreed to participate. We did a bit of learning about professions and trades in 1666 (such as candlemakers, apothecaries, blacksmiths and potters) and the children chose one to take on, creating a shop front and artefacts to go into their shop. They learnt that shop fronts tended to have symbols on rather than words, as not many people could read in the 1600s. The children created their own shop sign using this idea. Next week the children will finish setting up their street of trades and I'll take some photos of the finished shops.
In phonics the Year 1 children learnt three alternatives to 'igh' - ie (as in tried), y (as in cry) and i_e (as in smile). See if you can spot these graphemes together in books you read.
In spellings the Year 2 children learnt how to spell the word 'war' and that this spelling pattern is in words such as warm, ward and reward. As explained last week, the children won't be doing an individual spelling challenge (instead we will go over these words as a group on Monday) but any practice helps! The words are here.
In maths the children have been partitioning numbers into 10s and 1s. Year 1 have focussed on straightfoward partitioning, for example partitioning 62 into 60 and 2. The Year 2 children have been learning how to partition numbers flexibly, for example 62 can be partitioned into 60 and 2, 50 and 12, 40 and 22, 30 and 32, and so on.
Maths homework.
In your child's folder is the maths booklet I promised you last week!
Last Friday all of the children had a go at various maths challenge sheets. As a result of these, I have decided where each child will start on their maths challenges.
In your child's book I have indicated which page they should start on, by writing 'start here' and dating it 17.01.25. Any maths facts your child already knows have a large green tick on them.
Each week your child will take part in a 10 minute maths challenge. If they are able to complete their whole sheet, correctly, in the time given they will move on to the next set of maths facts.
Let me know if you have any questions about this!
I think that's all for now. We've had a really busy week but I haven't managed to take a single photograph - I'll aim to do better next week!
Have a good weekend!
Mrs Simpson