Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Week 9: Story writing, sunflowers and the ongoing turtle problem.


Hello Class 2 Parents,

Firstly, all being well I will be sending home your child's sunflower with them! They have grown so well and need either planting out into the garden, or putting into a bigger pot. they will also need staking. I would love to receive photos of any sunflowers when they come out!

The children also recently planted a mini wildflower bed outside the classroom and we are starting to see signs of good growth. The aim is to be bee-friendly as the children learnt all about the importance of bees. 

In their learning this week:

The children have been authors, writing their own versions of The Storm Whale. They're writing the story slowly, trying out different sentences for each part of the story. Then, when they've finished their author booklets they will choose their favourite sentences to copy up into their final story. 

In phonics/spellings the Year 1 children have been learning how to change a verb by adding the suffixes -ing, -ed, or -er (e.g. jumping, jumped, jumper). For their spellings, I have set them a number of verbs. Their challenge is to learn to spell the verbs and then next week I will give them different versions of them to spell. For example, they will learn to spell 'jump' and I might give them 'jumping' or 'jumped' to spell. 

Here are the words - it would be worth practising adding suffixes to them in readiness!

The Year 2 children don't have spellings this week! During each 25 minute spelling session this week they have instead been doing some extended writing, retelling the story of The Enormous Crodocodile that they loved learning about last academic year. It's a chance for them just to write freely and to use all of the skills they've been learning. 

Please spend some time this week practising their common exception word spellings instead, ready for the final challenge in a few weeks. 

In Maths the children have continued their work on time.

Year 1 children have been reciting the days of the week and the months of the year. All I'd like you to do for homework is to talk to them about days and months over the next week or so - use a calendar maybe to look at what is coming up, talk about different birthdays, when you are going on holiday and so on. 

There is a days of the week song here, and a months of the year song here if you would like to do some singing!

Year 2 children have been learning to tell the time to five minute intervals - a skill that takes considerable practice! 
homework is here and will be in their folders. 

A few children have started wearing simple analogue watches to school, which has really been helping their time telling. If your child has one that they could wear to school please start to encourage them to do so. However, if you are worried about it getting lost, no problem at all as we can use the class clock!

In our story the children have found a suitable mini island to try and turn into a green turtle haven. They visited the island and found many turtle-friend features (such as beaches, seagrass meadows, rocks and coral). However, they also found a lot of litter. In response, they used some good D.T. skills to make some cardboard grabbers in order to do some litter picking. They also learnt about the negative impact that single use plastic is having on the oceans, and produced some leaflets to distribute around Honu Island. 

Have a lovely, sunny weekend!

Mrs Simpson

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Week Five: A penguin (and other things).

Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly, thank you to those of you who came along to our Harvest service. The children did a great job of telling the...