Friday, February 16, 2024

Spring Week 6: Super writing the the United Kingdom

 Hello Class 2 Parents,

This week the children did some incredible writing. We've spent a few weeks writing Jack and the Beanstalk together, and then this week the children independently wrote their own versions. Here are some of them looking at their stories and feeling proud of their progress over time:

In our story the children have been learning all about the United Kingdom. Queen Matilda wants to know which country would be the best one in which to build her new castle and kingdom. The children learnt the names of the four countries, their capitals and what their flags look like. They also looked at some other geograpical features of each country. 

In maths the children have continued to work on division - this time, by grouping. For example, 'A farmer had 15 cows. He needed to put 3 cows in each field. How many fields would he need?. Any practice of this using counters at home would be very useful. 

I haven't set any homework this half term. However, the children have a new reading book (a one-off book they've chosen, instead of a group reading book) and a new badger book. I have also updated their spelling cards to show which words they spelled correctly when tested this week. Please continue to work on the non-highlighted words, a few at a time!

We've had a very good half term in Class 2. Have a good week and I look forward to seeing the children soon!

Mrs Simpson.

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 Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly - new maths challenges.  Thank you for your support with these. The children took part in their first timed ...