Thursday, February 29, 2024

Spring Week 7: A witan, a giant and some other things.


Hello Class 2 Parents,

Welcome to the second half of the spring term! It's a relatively short half term so we will have a lot to fit in!

This week...

Our story:
Having learnt about the four countries of the United Kingdom, the children met Queen Matilda for a witan under the old oak tree. Together, they decided that they should head to Wales to find a good location to build a castle. The Queen and the serfs set off but soon came to a creepy road: dark, with twisty trees either side and rough rocks and holes on the ground. They headed down the road but soon heard an ominous sound in the distance. They hid just before a giant came stomping down the road. They stayed still for hours until they were sure the giant had passed by.

Descriptive writing.
The children drew some fantastic pictures of the giant they had seen. They have started to write some descriptions of him. 


Year 1 children have been looking at place value to 100. They've been learning how to identify how many tens and how many ones are in a number. 

Their homework is here. and will be in their folders. 

Year 2 children have continued their work on division. They've been dividing by two and ten and learning that division is the inverse of multiplication. 

Their homework is here and will be in their folders. 

The children have looked at three graphemes this week:
y making 'ee' at the end of a word (as in happy, jolly, grumpy)
ea making the 'e' sound (as in head, bread, instead)
wh making the 'wh' sound (the h is lazy)

Blue group spellings are here. 
Green group spellings are here. 

The Year 2 children have looked at the spelling patterns 'all' and 'al'. Usually, 'all' is found at the end of root word such as tall, small and fall. 

Their spellings are here.

P.E. Kits
I am sorry I didn't send the children's P.E. kits home before the holidays! I will send them home this weekend.

Finally: Spanish Club.

We have had some interest in the Spanish Club that has been offered to the school. It should be a really good club - the children had a great time at the taster session! Please do sign up if your child is interested: we need some more interest in order for the club to go ahead. 

It's been a very good week!

From Mrs Simpson

Friday, February 16, 2024

Spring Week 6: Super writing the the United Kingdom

 Hello Class 2 Parents,

This week the children did some incredible writing. We've spent a few weeks writing Jack and the Beanstalk together, and then this week the children independently wrote their own versions. Here are some of them looking at their stories and feeling proud of their progress over time:

In our story the children have been learning all about the United Kingdom. Queen Matilda wants to know which country would be the best one in which to build her new castle and kingdom. The children learnt the names of the four countries, their capitals and what their flags look like. They also looked at some other geograpical features of each country. 

In maths the children have continued to work on division - this time, by grouping. For example, 'A farmer had 15 cows. He needed to put 3 cows in each field. How many fields would he need?. Any practice of this using counters at home would be very useful. 

I haven't set any homework this half term. However, the children have a new reading book (a one-off book they've chosen, instead of a group reading book) and a new badger book. I have also updated their spelling cards to show which words they spelled correctly when tested this week. Please continue to work on the non-highlighted words, a few at a time!

We've had a very good half term in Class 2. Have a good week and I look forward to seeing the children soon!

Mrs Simpson.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Spring Week 5: Becoming serfs.

 Hello Class 2 Parents,

We've had another good week in Class 2.

In our story the children continued in their roles as serfs. They set out their own small plot of land, complete with wattle-and-daub cottage, cows for milking, chickens for eggs, apple and pear trees and vegetable crops. They helped out their neighbour Hannah, who had been told by the lord of the manor that she had to leave her cottage because she was too old to work on the land any more. 

In writing lessons the children finished writing their guided Jack and the Beanstalk stories, which they are very proud of. Next, they will be making up their own version and writing it independently. 

In maths the children finished off their unit of work on multiplication. They continued to practise making arrays and solved problems involving multiplication. The Year 1 children continued with their work on repeated additions while the Year 2 children continued to learn about multiplication. Both year groups have been practising the 2, 5 and 10x table (Year 1 mainly counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and Year 2 working out the related multiplication facts). 

Year 1 maths homework is here.

Year 2 maths homework is here. 

In phonics Year 1 children have been revisiting ways to spell the sound 'oo' :  u_e, ue and ew. 

In spellings Year 2 children contined their work on suffixes, this time learning to drop-the-y-and-add-an-i when putting a verb into the past tense; for example,  cried, spied, fried, supplied. 

* Spelling homework this week is to work on your child's own individual spelling cards with them; they will be tested on their spelling of these high frequency/tricky words next week. *

I am looking forward to catching up with you all at parents' evenings next week!

Have a good weekend,

Mrs Simpson

Spring Term Week 3: A mouse diary and an important trial.

 Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly - new maths challenges.  Thank you for your support with these. The children took part in their first timed ...