Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Spring Week 4: Medieval people and a whole lot of writing.

 Greetings Class 2 Parents, and welcome to February!

Firstly, here is the Heather Galler folk art mentioned last week:

This week the main theme has been our medieval village. 

Having learnt about some of the features of medieval villages last week, the focus this week was on the people in the villages. The children learnt about some of the jobs people may have had, such as wheelwrights, carpenters, farriers and millers. 

Next, the children stepped into the story and became serfs; very poor peasants who had to work on the land of the Lord of the Manor in exchange for living in a small cottage and having their own small strip of land. The children discovered that life was hard, but still quite enjoyed clearing animal poo of the roads!

The children have continued to write their own versions of Jack and the Beanstalk - they are really enjoying their story writing and doing a good job!

In maths both year groups continued to look at making equal groups and moved on to adding equal groups and writing repeated addition number sentences (e.g.  3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12). 

They went on to make arrays showing rows and columns, like this one:

(5 columns of 3,  or 3 rows of 5)

Year 2 children started to look at the X symbol and what it means, e.g.
3 x 5 = 15
means 3 groups of 5 = 15 or 3 lots of 5 = 15

Year 1 maths homework is here and will be in folders.
Year 2 maths homework is here and will also be in folders.

In phonics the Year 1 children have been revisiting 'oa' graphemes - oa, o_e and o. 

Green group spellings are here

Blue group spellings are here

The Year 2 children have been learning how to change the meaning of an adjective by adding the suffixes -er or -est. To make it even trickier, they've been adding these suffixes to words ending in 'y' with the rule:
drop the y and add in i

So:     happy  becomes  happier  or happiest  by dropping the 'y', adding an 'i', then adding teh suffix too. 

Year 2 spellings are here 

Have a good weekend!

Mrs Simpson

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Spring Term Week 3: A mouse diary and an important trial.

 Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly - new maths challenges.  Thank you for your support with these. The children took part in their first timed ...