Thursday, October 12, 2023

Week 6: trying to keep the bog baby alive.

Hello Class 2 Parents,

Welcome to another recount of life in Class 2. 

Our story. 
Having found a bog baby last week that wasn't doing very well, the children learnt about what living things need to survive. They offered the bog baby water and food, and built him a shelter. Unfortunately he still didn't seem to be very well. Someone pointed out that his skin was very dry, so we sprinkled water on it. This seemed to help. It turns out that bog babies are amphibians! This led to some learning about what ampibians are. Hopefully now we know this, we will be able to help the bog baby further. 


Year 1 have been comparing numbers using 'equal to' and 'greater than'. It's important that they start to use the word 'greater' rather than 'bigger' - we talked about how this is an important mathematical word. Their homework is here and will be in their book bags. 

Year 2 have been using their knowledge of place value to order numbers. Their homework is here and will be in their book bags. 


The blue group has been looking at 'ay' and 'oy' this week. See if you can spot any words with these digraphs in within the books you read together. 

The green group has had a whistlestop tour of alternatives to 'oa'.
The Year 2 spellings are here. 

In other news.

Simon came to talk to the children about being safe on the internet. It was a very good session and the children had lots of good ideas to share. The main things they were asked to remember were:

  • if anyone sends them a message, they must show an adult
  • if anything gives them 'butterflies' or the 'uh oh' feeling, they must tell an adult
  • they should only use the internet when they are in the same room (or very close to) an adult
  • they should use Youtube Kids and the search engine Swiggle.
  • no devices at bedtime/ in the bedroom
Your children have some words to learn in their homework folders. Please help them to learn them for Monday's rehearsal!

I am looking forward to catching up with you all next week!

Mrs Simpson

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