Thursday, September 14, 2023

Week 2: A bit cooler and a bit busier!

Hello Class 2 Parents,

The first full week is done!

It's been a week of  the children getting to know routines and expectations, and of us getting to know them and where their learning is at. 

Among other things, the children have:

  • learnt about passport jobs. These are jobs the children can choose from each morning (usually 6-8 jobs throughout the week)
  • done some maths assessment activities with me and Mrs Neal
  • done some ERIC time (Everyone Reading In Class) - looking at big books, non fiction books, fiction books and phonics books
  • done some group reading
  • done some whole class reading
  • done a piece of independent writing (so I can see what they have remembered!)
  • taken part in their first P.E. lesson of the year - they got changed incredibly independently, I was impressed!
  • taken part in their first music lesson of the year
  • practised lining up very smartly and quietly to go into worship
  • started phonics lessons

Importantly, we also shared the story The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis. We read it twice and discussed the book. It will be our whole class reading book for this half term (more on whole class reading during Monday's parent meeting). The children went on to make and decorate a clay bog baby. I was very impressed with them - they really tried hard with their clay work. They are very into Bog Babies, which is good because the story will form the basis for some of our learning this term. 

Ordinarily, there will be weekly homework but this will start next Friday. For now, please just enjoy reading with your child. 

I hope to see you on Monday for our meeting.

Have a good weekend!

Mrs Simpson

Here are a few photos from the week:

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