For the last time this academic year...
Hello Class 2 Parents!
We've had a brilliant week to top off a really great year at school.
Last Friday the children found the Enormous Crocodile! This had been the task they'd been set by their client, Professor Nash, quite a few weeks ago. The crocodile was found in part of the Mara River - luckily the children found him just as he was about to eat some other children. They bravely rescued the children. They weren't sure what to do with him, but when they asked the Professor she thought he should be left alone to live peacefully, as long as he didn't eat any children of course. The children made posters (including taking photos of the crocodile to go on the posters) which they put up around the Maasai Mara.
The children finished their Mantle of the Expert story by making some souvenirs to take home from Kenya. They learnt about Kenyan soapstone carving and created some clay model crocodiles in the same style. You will have seen their crocodiles - the children worked very hard on them and are very proud of them. Don't worry if they break - they can be fixed with superglue!
The children filled up their marble jar at the start of the week and voted to have a party as their treat, so on Thursday that's what we did. The highlight was 'draw the eye on the crocodile' (like pin the tail on the donkey, but a picture of a crocodile on the board that children had to draw an eye on).
Aside from that, the week has been filled with finishing-off things, making cards for various people and just getting ready for the summer.
Thank you for all of the support you've given your children this year. We have all had a really great year in Class 2 - I've loved my first year at Little Houghton and I've appreciated all of your friendliness and support.
Goodbye to Alice, Aurora, Billy, Florence, Florence, Henry, Kaia, Kayleigh-Ann, Leo, Leyton, Lola, Oliver, Olivia and Taylen. You have been brilliant Year 2s this year: helpful, hard-working, kind and fun. Have a wonderful time in Class 3.
And to Arlo, Arlo, Eliza, Izzy, Layla, Mason, Reuben and Theo: see you in September. You are going to be fantastic Year 2s!
Over the summer please, please keep reading! You can sign up to your local library and find lots of books to keep your child busy.
You can also:
* Practise your times tables (Year 1s: 2s, 5s and 10s. Year 2s: 3s and beyond!)
* write a postcard to someone if you go on holiday (I am always happy to receive postcards at the school address, if no one else is available to send one to!)
* Practise your spellings (in your home learning folder)
Finally - thank you all so much for the kind cards, gifts and words over the past few days - they are all greatly appreciated.
Most of all - have a really lovely summer. See you all in a few weeks!
From Mrs Simpson
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