Friday, May 5, 2023

Summer Week 3: A new client in our story

 Hello Class 2 parents,

It feels like the week has ended before it really started! With the bank holiday and the coronation celebrations, we had a busy three days from Tuesday to Thursday!

Our story:
The Terrific Nature Travellers were approached by an interesting client - a professor of zoology. She came to us with an interesting request. She had heard a rumour that The Enormous Crocodile (from the story) might still be alive, and living somewhere in Kenya. With a speciality in reptiles (particularly crocodiles and alligators), the professor was keen for the team to take her to Kenya to search for the crocodile. 

The children were keen to help - however, they don't have any experience travelling to Kenya. With that in mind, we came up with questions and ideas about both Kenya and crocodile - we are going to need to know more before we commit to the task. It will involve a lot of science, focussing on reptiles, their habitats and diets, as well as a lot of geography focussed on Kenya. 

The Coronation:
We had a lovely day today celebrating the coronation. The children made beautiful headwear in the morning and then performed their country dance in the afternoon. Due to some unforeseen and unforeseeable events, the dance turned into a bit of a pickle with two children on either side of the circle without a partner. However, the children were fantastic and just carried on like the professionals they are. I was very proud of them!


Fractions continues to be the them of our mathematical learning! 

Year 1 learnt how to find a quarter of an amount. This involves sharing the amount into four groups and counting one group. 

Year 2
learnt how to find a third of a shape and an amount. 

Year 1 homework can be found here. 
Year 2 homework can be found here. 

Phonics and spelling:

The phonics group
have continued to revisit digraphs in preparation for the phonics screening check: ea and ie. Their spellings are here. 

The spellings group has been looking at the suffix - ment, which changes the meaning of a word. Their spellings are here - only eight, as they are quite tricky this week!

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Spring Term Week 3: A mouse diary and an important trial.

 Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly - new maths challenges.  Thank you for your support with these. The children took part in their first timed ...