Thursday, March 9, 2023

Spring Week 9: Where did Spring go?

 Hello Class 2 Parents,

I don't know about you, but I am confused. A few weeks ago I told you on this blog that we would be starting outdoor P.E. We did one lesson outdoors and have not done a single outdoor P.E. lesson since then! What happened to spring?!

Anyway, the children enjoyed going out in the snow this week and watching the snowflakes through the window. We talked about what spring should look like and what it does not seem to be doing at the moment.

In other learning:

In our Fire Marshal story the children watched a little scene play out: two boys were playing marbles on a quiet street in London, when they noticed a fire break out in a nearby building. They remembered that there were some new Fire Marshals somewhere in London - but they weren't sure how to get a message to them. The children learnt about some different forms of communication in the 1600s, sorting forms of communication into 'then' and 'now'. They choose three different options for the boys to choose from (such as a horseback messenger, or a pigeon). One of the children asked whether there was such thing as post boxes and the Royal Mail - we found out that the Royal Mail did originally operate using horses and carts, in the 1600s.

The children stepped into the story at the point where a messenger arrived on horseback seeking fire marshals to put the fire out. They quickly got to work, using all of the techniques they had learnt during their training, and successfully put the fire out. The team is in the middle of writing some recounts about the fire to give to King Charles. 

We had a very peaceful afternoon on Wednesday drawing owls. The topic of 'wise choices' had come up during a conversation, so we drew some wise owls to help everyone to remember to be wise. We used 'Draw with Rob' to do this, and the children really enjoyed learning how to draw a cartoon owl. The owls are going to go into our story book tree in the classroom. 

In maths:

Both year groups have been doing a lot of counting in 5s this week, among other things. Year 1 homework is here, ordering multiples of 5. Year 2 homework is here - revisiting fact families!

The spelling group learnt this week that the /o/ sound is usuall spelt with the letter a following w, wh or qu. Their spellings are here. 

The phonics group learnt that some tricky words: he she we be me. These words are tricky because the 'ee' sound in them is written with only a single e. They also learnt that the 'igh' at the end of words is often spelt with a 'y'. Their words are here - short but sweet this week!

It's been another busy and good week in Class 2! Have a good weekend and I will see you next week. 

From Mrs Simpson

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 Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly - new maths challenges.  Thank you for your support with these. The children took part in their first timed ...