Friday, January 6, 2023

Spring Week 1: Welcome back!


Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2023 in Class 2. 

Firstly, thank you for the kind Christmas cards and gifts I was given. I hope you all had a good Christmas!

It was incredibly lovely to see the children's smiling faces on Wednesday - they have come back full of enthusiasm and energy. I hope the roadworks have not caused you too much trouble getting in this week!

This week has been all about settling back into school. We have started some new maths and writing units of work, as well as doing some PSHE, RE, music and science. 

In RE we have started to learn about Judaism. The children learnt about the festival of Chanukah and compared its features to the Christmas celebrations that the children have been experiencing. 

In music we are going to be learning about some famous composers. The children heard part of Vivaldi's 'Winter' and talked about how it made them feel. Once they learnt that it was called 'Winter' they created some art work in cold colours as they listened to the music again. If you like, play this piece of music a few times over the weekend and talk to your children about it. 

In Science the children started an investigation. They heard an alternative 'Three Little Pigs' story whereby the materials the pigs had access to were blocks, straws and card. The children have made some houses using these materials and next week we will carry out an investigation to establish which material is the most effective for building a house. 

After a few weeks of Christmassy activities, the children got back to their passport jobs this week which they thoroughly enjoyed. They are becoming increasingly independent with these jobs and have been learning how to upload photos onto Seesaw themselves. 

There is not much homework this week, but we have been focusing on counting in tens and the ten times table, so this game is in the children's home learning books. 

You will be receiving more information about this term's learning via email early next week!

I am very much looking forward to the term ahead,

from Mrs Simpson

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