Hello Class 2 Parents,
And, just like that, we have finished the first half term of school! It was really good to be able to sit down with you all this week and talk about your children.
The children have settled so well into the new school year and have been learning so much, including, but not limited to:
in science:
- about the diets of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
- how to identify birds, reptiles, mammals, fish and amphibians
- the useful features animals have, and how penguins are adapted to life in Antarctica
- the different habitats animals live in and why
in geography:
In your children's home learning books I have put a copy of these home learning ideas for half term. They are just ideas, and not compulsory! I would love to see any homework they do complete. I have also updated their spelling lists to show words that they can now spell (the lists in the back of their home learning books). Ideally, by July Year 1 children will be able to spell the first 50 words and Year 2 will be able to spell at least the first 50 by Christmas, ready to move on to the next Year 2 list.
I hope those children who missed the last day are feeling better, and that you all have a good week!
- the names of the seven continents and five oceans
- where Antarctica is
- that Antarctica is the windiest, coldest, driest place on earth
- how to survive in Antarctica
in history:
- all about Ernest Shackleton and his unsuccessful bid to cross Antarctica
- what it was like to go on an expedition in 1914
in art:
- all about the art work of Oliver Jeffers
- how to create art in the style of Oliver Jeffers
- how to use watercolours to create illustrations
- how to use oil pastels and how to blend them
- looking at the art work of Nerys Levy and her cold coloured pictures of Antarctica and the Arctica (to be continued)
in RE:
- about the Christian story of creation and what it means for us looking after the world
The children have also been working on computing and PSHE with Mrs Neal on a Thursday afternoon, and have sung lots of songs and begun to learn about pitch in music. In PE we have been learning basic games skills. And, of course, we have been doing lots of phonics, spelling, writing, reading and maths!
On Friday the children made some fantastic Children in Need flags and banners to take down to the church yard, to wave for Matt Baker on his Rickshaw Challenge. It was a bit of a wait - I think he got held up - but they proudly waved and cheered when he did eventually come by. The delay meant that I'm afraid the children's library books couldn't be changed, but we did manage to change all reading books ready for the holidays.
On Friday the children made some fantastic Children in Need flags and banners to take down to the church yard, to wave for Matt Baker on his Rickshaw Challenge. It was a bit of a wait - I think he got held up - but they proudly waved and cheered when he did eventually come by. The delay meant that I'm afraid the children's library books couldn't be changed, but we did manage to change all reading books ready for the holidays.
In your children's home learning books I have put a copy of these home learning ideas for half term. They are just ideas, and not compulsory! I would love to see any homework they do complete. I have also updated their spelling lists to show words that they can now spell (the lists in the back of their home learning books). Ideally, by July Year 1 children will be able to spell the first 50 words and Year 2 will be able to spell at least the first 50 by Christmas, ready to move on to the next Year 2 list.
I hope those children who missed the last day are feeling better, and that you all have a good week!
See you on Tuesday 2nd,
From Mrs Simpson.
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