Thursday, September 15, 2022

Autumn Term Week 2: An injured hedgehog and some serious overcrowding.

 Dear Class 2 Parents,

Thank you all for coming along on Tuesday to hear about life in Class 2. Don't worry if you couldn't make it - the slides are here and they will also be sent out to you. If you have any questions about what is on the slides, please come and find me!

A couple of notices:
* If your child needs to change their reading book, please remind them before the day begins. We have a box for them to put their reading book and reading record into first thing, and will ask them to go and get them if they need a new book. 

* Reading books are now chosen from trays with a variety in. We are teaching your children how to choose a book that is just right for them. Because they are choosing from boxes with a range of levels in (maybe, for example, levels 2 and 3 or levels 9,10 and 11) you may find the levels your child comes home with vary just slightly. 

*In your child's home learning book, at the back, you will find a list of 'common exception words' which will be highlighted once per half term with the words your child can spell. Each week, please help your child to practice two of the words that are not highlighted. Then, at the end of half term we will see which ones can be highlighted!

This week:

In maths the Year 2 children have been looking at place value, representing 2-digit numbers and talking about how many 10s and 1s there are in a number. Year 1 children have been representing numbers to 10 in a number of ways, deciding which is the best representation and practising their subitising (saying how many they can see without having to count). 

For extra practice:

Year 1 could practise subitising using representations of numbers up to 5 or representations of numbers up to 9. Use these cards (or ones you make) to play snap or to see how many cards your child can 'read' by subitising in 2 minutes.  

Year 2 could play race to 50. Don't worry if you don't have a printer - this can easily be recreated without! As you play, talk about how many tens and how many ones each player has, and how many that is altogether. 

We have started our writing lessons this week. The children are taking sentences from the book 'Lost and Found' and making them their own. For example, 'Once there was a boy and one day he found a penguin at his door' becomes 'Once there was a boy and one day he found a small, furry rabbit at his door'. The Year 2 children had the added challenge of writing two adjectives and including a comma.

In Phonics and Spellings:

The phonics group have revisited sh, ch, th and nk. We have focussed on putting the sounds correctly into words. Their spellings are here and have also been stuck into home learning books so you will know which group your child is in!

The spellings group have been learning to spell words with 'gn' and 'kn' at the start. Their spellings are here and, again, have been stuck into home learning books so you will know which group your child is in!

In our Lost and Found story:

On Tuesday someone came to the  Wildlife Lost and Found offices with a photograph of a hedgehog curled into a ball in the middle of the road. She needed our help - she didn't know whether the hedgehog was dead or alive, or what to do about it. We visited the hedgehog and learnt about how to determine whether something is dead or alive. We decided that the hedgehog was thankfully alive (it was breathing and moving and it ate a slug we gave it) and brought it to our offices. 

The hedgehog in the road. 

Unfortunately, the next day there was chaos. As the Lost and Found officers were caring for the animals, the animals began to run around, escape the rooms and generally run wild. We held a meeting to discuss the problem. We decided that, now that the animals were healthy and we had cared for them, we needed to find out where they had come from and rehome them. This led to some learning on habitats and the team made some plans for rehoming the animals in suitable habitats. We'll keep you updated. 

I think that's all for now. I will endeavour to take more photographs of your children at work to post on here too!

Mrs Simpson



  1. Thank you for putting the slides up, I was disappointed that I couldn't make it to the meeting. They are helpful to have

  2. I'm glad they're useful! If there is anything else you'd find helpful, please let me know. :0)


Spring Term Week 3: A mouse diary and an important trial.

 Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly - new maths challenges.  Thank you for your support with these. The children took part in their first timed ...