Friday, September 2, 2022

Welcome to Class 2's Blog!

 Hello and welcome to Class 2's blog!

My name is Helen Simpson and I am joining Little Houghton to be Class 2’s teacher. I’m really looking forward to the new school
year with your children and getting to know this lovely school. Mrs Justine Neal will be with me each morning, working alongside me to teach your children.

My favourite things are stories and books, and a lot of our class work will be done through an overarching story. 

I will use this blog as a way to keep you up-to-date with what has been happening in the class each week. I'll  also add some suggested homework activities matched to the week's learning. 

You have received a copy of the term's overview of learning - you can also find it if you click here. 

See you soon!

Mrs Simpson


  1. Love this idea as a form of keeping us parents in the loop of our children's learning, thank you!
    Kaia has been telling me today about the passports they have in class with jobs/tasks to achieve, it all sounds very fun and exciting! Kaia is really enjoying her first few days! 🙂

    1. I am glad you like the idea! I hope you will all find it helpful :0)


Spring Term Week 3: A mouse diary and an important trial.

 Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly - new maths challenges.  Thank you for your support with these. The children took part in their first timed ...