Thursday, September 26, 2024

Week Three: rain and a Lost and Found office.


Hello Class 2 Parents,

The week started in a very soggy way - our new sandpit and outdoor area got a bit of a soaking! However, we've managed to get outside still this week at various points in between showers. 

An important homework note:
* Homework is set on a Friday via the blog and in folders if necessary

* I collect homework, reading diaries, group books and free choice books every Thursday morning, to go out again on Friday

* The only compulsory homework is reading, but any maths and spellings you do with your children will help them!

This week:

In Phonics the children have been revisiting oa, oo and oo. They've been reading and spelling words using these digraphs. 

In Spellings the Year 2 children have looked at the dge digraph - this is the 'j' sound that comes at the end of a word, after a short vowel. The children have learnt that words tend not to end in j. 

The Year 2 spellings for this week can be found here - their spelling challenge will be next week!

In Maths the children have been learning to use the phrases 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to' to compare numbers and quantities. The children have been using the symbols < > and = as well. 

Year 1 homework is here and will be in their folders. 

Year 2 homework is here and will be in their folders. 

In other news:

This week the children set up a Wildlife Lost and Found office. There are four rooms: one each for mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds. The children learnt to categorise animals into the four rooms. A few injured animals came into the offices and the children took care of them. 

I think that's all for now. The class is coming together well and the Year 1s are getting used to life in Class 2. 

Have a good weekend!

From Mrs Simpson

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Week Two: Autumn leaves and a lot of art work.

Hello Class 2 Parents,

The children have very much been enjoying the autumnal weather this week - lots of sun but also blustery breezes and piles of leaves to play with!

This week...

In Phonics the Year 1 children have been revisiting ng, ai, ee and igh. They've been practising putting these sounds into words. 

They've also been spelling the tricky words today and of. 

In Spellings the Year 2 children have been looking at the 'wr' grapheme - as in write, wrong and wrestle. Their spellings are here

Note  a change for this year: instead of printing out weekly spelling sheets, I will put the week's spellings on the blog and the children will have a small book where they will do their weekly spelling challenge. That book will go home in their home learning folder, and needs to stay there please so we can use it each week. 

In Maths 
we have been looking at the place value of numbers to twenty (learning that every teen number has a 10 in it),  writing numbers to twenty the correct way around and finding 1 more and 1 less than numbers to 20. 

The Year 1 homework is here and will be in their folders. 

The Year 2 homework is here  and will be in their folders.

In Drawing Club our story has been The Three Billy Goats Gruff. See if your children can tell you the story themselves!

We've also been doing a lot of art. The children have been learning about the art work of Oliver Jeffers and this week created some self portraits in his style (a big head, dot eyes, simple body, stick legs and bold colours!). When I have them up on the wall I'll post a picture on the blog. There are still some finishing touches to do. 

Aside from all of that, the children have continued to learn through their Rainbow jobs. 

Here are a very few photos from this week - apologies if your child doesn't feature, but hopefully you can get an idea of what we've been up to!


Friday, September 13, 2024

The first full week.

Hello Class 2 Parents,

We've made it to the end of our first full week in Class 2. The children are doing a super job, and will probably need a rest this weekend!

A few notes:

Class 2 meeting
On Monday after school I'll be telling you a bit more about how the class will work this year. Year 2 parents, it will be similar to last year but you will possibly want to hear about it from a Year 2 perspective. 

Free choice books
Your children came home with a badger or squirrel book (a free choice reading book) this week, with a letter explaining how they will work. We will start reading groups next week, so a week today they will come home with their phonics/group reading book too. 

Water bottles. 
We encourage water only in bottles please. Squash spillages are sticky and messy! 
If there's a reason your child needs squash, please let me know. 

PE kits. 
It worked really well this week having the children come to school in their PE kits - it meant our lesson could be a lot longer! Thank you. 

Our learning this week:

Our year is starting off with Drawing Club. Year 1 are already familiar with it and I will talk more about it on Monday at our Class 2 meeting. This week our book was Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. The children wrote a sentence each day based on it. 

We're starting the year with the basics! We've been looking at numbers to 10 - how they can be represented so that we can recognise them easily without counting (subitising). For example, the arrangements of dots on a dice make it very easy to recognise numbers. We also looked at numbers to 20, recapping for the Year 2s and introducing for the Year 1s that teen numbers are made up of '10 and some more'. 

In phonics the Year 1 children have been revisiting sh, ch, th and qu. They've been practising putting these digraphs into words. 

The Year 2 children have looked at the digraphs kn and gn. 

Usually there will be some spelling homework - however, this will start next week!

The children have also been learning (or re-learning) how to do Rainbow Jobs. These were previously called Passport Jobs. They have 7-8 jobs per week that they can choose from, in between working on maths or writing with an adult. 

In the afternoons we have been doing some art - the children have been learning about the illustrations of Oliver Jeffers and will be creating a self-portrait in his style next week. 

We've had a good week. The children are getting used to each other (the Year 1s are getting used to being part of a bigger class) and are getting used to the new routines. 

I will endeavour to take some photographs next week - we've been so busy I haven't got around to it this week!

From Mrs Simpso

Friday, September 6, 2024

A New School Year!

 Hello Class 2 Parents!

Year 1 Parents - welcome to the Class 2 blog. I use this blog to let you know what we've been up to during the week, to set homework and to pass on any useful pieces of information. Please check it weekly. As a rule, it will be published by Thursday night but it may on the rare occassion be published on Friday. 

Year 2 Parents - welcome back!

I am sure you will all have some very tired children this weekend. They have done a great job this week. We haven't done much 'formal' learning, instead the children have been getting to know each other again and getting to know the classroom. As you will have seen, we are very lucky to have a brand new outdoor area! The children have been enjoying it very much and across the course of the year I will be gradually resourcing it. 

The Year 2 children have been incredible. They've been kind and helpful and such good role models for their new classmates. 

The Year 1 children have done a fantastic job. They've all seemed very happy to be here and have been learning the class rules and routines. Florence has joined the cohort and everyone has been very kind and welcoming to her. 

Below is a photo of the new Class 2 - only missing poor Seven who hasn't been well.

A few notes:

P.E. kits: you will hopefully have seen the email to explain that children won't need P.E. kits in school this year. Instead please send your child in to school in their P.E. kit on a Friday this term.

Reading books: I sent around a whole school email explaining some changes to the reading book system. It won't hugely affect us, however when I send your child's first reading books home next week I will be including some useful information focussed on Year 1 and Year 2. They will come home with a 'free choice' book first (from the Badger or Squirrel shelf in the library) and then at the end of the week they will also have a phonics book. 

End of the day:
Apologies if I occasionally forget which adult matches which child - there are a lot of children, some with multiple adults. I will endeavour to learn everyone as soon as possible!

It has been good to catch up with you and your children this week. It's been a great start to the new year and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!


Mrs Simpson


Week Five: A penguin (and other things).

Hello Class 2 Parents, Firstly, thank you to those of you who came along to our Harvest service. The children did a great job of telling the...